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Sad Facts of Life

Some physicists call philosophy a vestigial part of Science, but it has its own uses.  Philosophy deals with the aspects of human mind (of many things) that are not mathematically quantifiable (yet).  But philosophy has served its purpose well, for the human mind is neither unbiased nor logical.  Evolutionarily, being strictly logical & fair have no distinctive advantages.  Human mind is also very feeble and any uncertainty and discomfort throws it off-course.

One such facet to the feeble mind is denial.  Mind has its coping mechanism to deal with things it cannot change and cannot accept.  But facts, as it is their nature, don't give a damn.  It got me thinking of some realities that I don't like accepting or I have witnessed people doing so, but are true.

These are some things that occurred to me.  The list is not exhaustive and is very subjective.

1.  Irregardless is not a real word.  It came into mainstream simply due to overuse.  In fact, the whole English language is such.  But it's the most widely used language in the world.

2.  There is no karma in the cosmic sense.  There is no supernatural entity and counting the good and bad deeds of people.  Good deeds are not deliberately rewarded and bad ones aren't punished.  Courts and ethics are the closest we can get but are far far from perfect.  (I am not arguing against existence of God.)

3.  There will always be people less talented and less hard working than you who will be more successful than you are in most of life's arenas.  Also, there will be far more talented and hard working people whom you will supersede in work and life.  It goes both ways.

4.  This may seem controversial but is incontrovertible: Good Looking people will always have more advantage than those who aren't, in life, romance and work.  This is gender independent.

5.  No one is irreplaceable.  World will go on just fine without most people existing.

6.  There are intelligent people and there are not so clever ones, but many a times the latter get more things done especially because of this fact.  They are unburdened by the so-called genius and it works.  Politics is a classic example.  Reason is not the most influencing of factors.

7.  You always overestimate your ability when all you have to do is plan.  Planning is easy, Execution is difficult.  Ideas are cheap.

8.  People at any level cannot handle power.  Power's an addiction and one will go to any lengths to keep it.  It's true at work, true for home, as well as for countries too.  Be very careful whom you trust.

And there are many more.  But that's all for now.


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